Hi, I'm AJ.
Me smiling

Me with my dog in front of the Golden Gate Bridge
About me:

I am a recent graduate from UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Computer Science. I am goal-oriented, eager to learn, and would love to be able to apply my skills as a software engineer.

I am interested in both front-end and back-end design, with projects listed on my resume and described in more detail below.

Aside from school and projects, I love expressing myself through photography, drawing, and painting.



I worked on this project as part of my CS 160 class. As project manager, I led a team of 5 students to make a prototype product SleepSoon. On the right is the flyer I designed to display our work, which features screenshots of our mobile website design. We designed it to be a planner that helps you form better habits to get better sleep.
SleepSoon flyer

Spotify jupyter notebook preview
Spotify Data Analysis:

I love music, so this project was super fun as well! I looked at data from Spotify and visualized trends among the most popular songs. On the left is an excerpt from the Jupyter notebook I made to present my work. The full notebook can be viewed on my GitHub here.

SHPE Website:

As the web design intern in the UCSC Society of Hispanic Engineers, I used Drupal to renovate our club’s website to something more modern and functional. The site can be viewed here.
SHPE Website


Telegraph Hill
Crissy Beach
Palo Alto

Mountain View
Berkeley View
Telegraph Ave
Golden Gate Bridge

Los Osos Beach
California Ave
Santa Monica

Contact Me
Email: ajherget@berkeley.edu

Made by AJ <3